Printing SOP

Printing SOP


The location of order(s) in between the printing process is called Card Status. Different Card statuses are, Artwork brief sent, Ready for Design, Artwork proof emailed, Ready to Print, Quality control, and Artwork/ Print Amendment

Additional note: After QC, the orders are passed for labelling and packing. There are no separate views/ card statuses for this.


Artwork Brief sent,

When a customer places an order, a confirmation email will be sent followed by an email with a design brief. This will create an order on Zendesk along with the generation of V1CE links and change the card status to the Artwork brief sent. A Design brief is basically a form asking the customer to upload the logo and provide any instructions for designing the cards. Once they submit the design, this will automatically move the card status to Ready for design and will be picked up by the designers. This will also trigger the generation of QRs based on the card/ colour selected by the 


Ready for design,

The filled-in design brief will be available for the designers to work based on the logo and instructions uploaded by the customer. Once the designers create a digital mockup, a print file is uploaded on google drive (the link is also generated when the design brief is filled in) and the card status is changed to artwork proof emailed.

Ready to Print,

Once the design/ mockup is approved by the customer, the Customer Service team moves them to 'Ready to Print' view, from this view, the orders are categorised into different sub-views based on the printing technique (PVC All whites, PVC No underlay, PVC underlay, Bamboo All whites, Bamboo No underlay, Bamboo underlay, and Metal hybrids). From these subviews, orders are again moved to JIG 2 to JIG 40, to be produced in batches. Currently, JIG 1 is used for Silver Metal cards and 24k Gold cards.


JIG Status,

The location of orders in the above-mentioned Jigs is called JIG Status. For example, if a card is in JIG 12, the Jig status of that order is in JIG 12.


Quality Control (No tags or card status, will be in the same Jig status)

After printing cards are passed to Quality control. This is done in batches in the same order of how the order was printed in Jigs. Cards are checked against the approved mockup, any changes from the design or any damages to the cards. If the cards pass QC, then the cards are coded with the respective V1CE links generated with the order. Once this is done, the cards are checked if it's coded correctly and is ready for labelling. The macro with their name has to be applied which will then change the card status to Card Printed. The macro should be in the format ' QC- <Name>. Any accessories (packs, phone cases and wallets) should be cross-checked with Shopify and add them. Order numbers and courier service selected (with any instructions such as send as sample) should be written on the envelope.

If the cards fail at QC, cards are sent back to Reprint (if it's a printing mistake/fault) by changing the card status to 'Ready to Print' and explaining the fault as an internal note followed by your name, or 'Print Amendments' if the cards failed due to a design issue. We use 'Print Amendments' and not 'Artwork Amendments' to differentiate.


Artwork/ Print Amendments

Amendment views are for designers to do changes to the design as per the request of the customer or if it aids the printing process. Artwork amendment is used if a customer requests changes at any stage of the production process and Print amendment is used if the cards are failed at QC and design changes are required to aid printing.


Ready for labelling (No tags or card status, cross-checked with order numbers written on the envelope)

This is the labelling process and a second stage QC (a quick look at mockups, check to see all packs are added). Once checked, corresponding orders are fulfilled on Shopify and labels are generated. If the labels are not generated automatically, need to check with shiptheory to identify the error and rectify it.


Packing (No tags or card status, checked with numbers on labels)

After labelling, the order is passed to packing. Proper packaging is selected, cards are wiped clean, and pictures are taken (cards, accessories and sent to prints GC with order numbers. This is used as a dispatch picture to cross-check in future if needed.


Order of working


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