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Can I rewrite my card?
Rewriting a card means reprogramming the data stored in your card. The two main reasons for rewriting your card are: Resetting the tapping function of your card. If there is an issue with the card function, we may sometimes ask customers to rewrite ...
Customer Service FAQ
FAQ 1. General 1.1 How do you plan to stay ahead with Apple Name drop? Apple's latest feature allows seamless contact sharing by tapping another phone. While there may be concerns about its impact on V1CE, rest assured, this feature is exclusive to ...
Password Reset
This is a common issue for our users fine, and although we are looking to find the best solution, for now, we sometimes have to reset the customer's password for them manually. The issue is that the email which is being sent is not being received and ...
Here is how you can use NFC on your Android Mobile
Androids compatible with V1CE may need to have their NFC turned on. The following guide shows you how to do this. Pull down the Quick Settings Menu directly, and you can easily find NFC. Then you can tap on the “NFC” switch to activate it. You can ...
Do I need to have a QR on the back of the card?
We recommend having a QR code on the back of your card to have no limitations while connecting with a prospect who has an older mobile phone. This is however based on your preference and we can print the card with or without QR.